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2024. 01.24

"El Fuego!"

The region of modern-day Belgium and Netherlands was politically controlled by the Spanish Hapsburg from 1556 and was known as the Spanish Netherlands (or Flanders). Religious tension arose due to severe Spanish counter-reformation measures in the Calvinist north, leading to the 80-years war. 


Simultaneously, the musical environment of the time thrived with the heritage of the polyphony of the Flemish masters of the past, such as Josquin de Prez, who were famous in Italian and French courts. Their music also influenced the Iberian Peninsula, and was arranged, performed published, and left a legendary influence there...


2023. 09.24


"Songs Shining with Life" Switzerland edition is coming!

Songs Shining with Life' is a concert series centered on the history of the Tensho Embassy to Europe in the 16th century. The Tensho Embassy risked their lives to travel to Europe and bring back to Japan a report of European culture, as well as European music and musical instruments of the 16th century. 


The program will feature a wide range of repertoire from the 16th to 21st centuries. It will begin with the Western music that the Tensho Embassy were exposed to in Europe in the 16th century (Josquin des Prez, Luys Milan) and continue through to Kosaku Yamada (19th century) and Toru Takemitsu (20th century), who developed unique Japanese songs influenced by Western music after the opening of Japan to the outside world. Through the story of the Tensho embassy we will explore how European music influenced Japanese music, and trace this influence over time.

Entrance: free-will donation

Friday, 06. October 19:30

Schmiedenhof Zunftsaal

Rümelinsplatz 4, Basel


Friday, 03. November 19:30

Kirche St. Arbogast 

Kirchpl. 1, Muttenz


Saturday, 18. November 19:30


Claragraben 43,  Basel


Trio Aido

Kaho Inoue - Voice

Talitha-Cumi Witmer - Vihuela, Baroque guitar

Simon Vander Plaetse - Renaissance lute, Theorbo

Trio Aido's flyer for Songs Shining with Life

2023.07: Trio Aido [Japan Tour 2023]

"Songs Shining with Life"

Program East: From the West to Japan, from Japan to the World

Program West: The World as Seen by Ito Mansho and His Friends


We are delighted to finally be able to announce that Trio Aido will be performing in Japan for two weeks this summer – in Osaka, Nara, Nagoya, Yokohama, and Tokyo.We have prepared two different programs related to the Tensho Embassy to Europe. We are looking forward to seeing and playing for you at the one of the events!!

For more details and tickets, please visit 👉


Tour Schedule

August 4 (Fri): Program West

19:00, UCCJ Shimanouchi Church (Osaka)

August 5 (Sat): Program East *SOLDOUT

13:00, Yamato Bunka Museum (Nara)

*Produced by Yamato Bunka Bunka Museum

August 6 (Sun): Program West

19:00, Studio Fiorire (Nagoya)

August 11 (Fri): Program East *SOLDOUT

19:00, Salvia Hall 3F Music Hall (Yokohama)

August 12 (Sat): Program East

17:00, JHC Tokyo Central Church (Tokyo)

August 13 (Sun): Program West

19:00, Former Tokyo Music School Sogakudo (Ueno)


*The performance at the Yamato Bunka museum is sponsored by the museum, and admission is free. Details and tickets:

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